Nonprofits are some of the most vital members of our community and we desire to make life easier for you by taking the financial administration off of your plate so you can focus on what is more important, serving our communities.
Nonprofits are some of the most vital members of our community and we desire to make
life easier for you by taking the financial administration off of your plate so you can focus
on what is more important, serving our communities.
Non Profits
Package | T990 Information Return | Bookkeeping | Full Service |
Price | Starting at $750 |
Starting at $300/Month |
Contact Us for a Custom Quote |
Who Should Be Interested | We would like someone to do our 990 and someone to answer questions throughout the year. | We want to make sure our books are being done properly. | We desire an advisory relationship where a firm helps us improve our non profit operations by keeping our books up to date (or looking over them if you have someone inhouse), doing our tax return, performing payroll (if needed), and consulting with us on a regular basis. |